Have you ever wondered what are the genres of a drama? What is the purpose of it? Even the form and features? The structure and plot?
The purpose of a drama is to entertain, to draw emotion to present an experience for the audiences. Dramatic structure has been compared to the tying and untying of a knot. Drama, what life is made of. It is the ins and outs of our everyday
As I was surfing the net, I've found out that a drama has its three classifications of types. These are the Lyric, Drama, and Epic.
The lyric includes all the short forms of poetry, e.g., song, ode,
ballad, elegy, sonnet. Typically, the subject matter is expressive,
whether of personal emotions, such as love or grief, or of public
emotions, such as patriotism or reverence or celebration.
The drama presents the actions
and words of characters on a stage. The conventional formal
arrangement into acts and scenes derives ultimately from the
practice in Greek drama of alternating scenes of dialogue with
choral sections.
The epic, in the classical
formulation of the three genres, referred exclusively to the
"poetic epic." It was of course in verse, rather lengthy (24 books
in Homer, 12 books in Virgil), and tended to be episodic.
Without drama, there is no life. Drama is about the pains and aches, the fighting, the growing, the search for self, and the search for peace.
Several genres exist in drama, each with their
own character types and dramatic approach.
are four main genres of drama:
The tragedy (Ancient Greek: τραγῳδία, tragōidia, "he-goat-song") is a form of drama based on human suffering that invokes in its audience an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in the viewing
The tragicomedy is a literary genre that blends aspects of both tragic and comic forms. Most often seen in dramatic literature, the term can variously describe either a tragic play which contains enough comic elements to lighten the overall mood or, often, a serious play with a happy ending.
The melodrama refers to a dramatic work that exaggerates plot and characters in order to appeal to the emotions. It may also refer to the genre which includes such works, or to language, behavior, or events which resemble them.
The comedy, in the contemporary meaning of the term, is any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film and stand-up comedy.
It also stated here that the latest genre created was under strategy games. And the newest genre appeared to be Interactive Drama.
Having an emotion of a character and a player, you can easily connect with them.

A genre consecrates the literary form or type into which works are classified according to what they have in common, either in their formal structures or in their treatment of subject matter, or both.
For me, drama is the reliance of a large scale emotional alteration.
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